EzTenda Connect: View a tender

A tender includes all the necessary information you need to place a bid.

On the right hand side, you can find details about the venue.

On the left hand side, you can see the tender details:

  • Tender name

  • Time left to bid on a tender (not the same as the Listing Period)

  • Tender description

  • Product Type (e.g. Gin)

  • Listing Type

  • Listing Period (the period where the winning product will be listing in the venue)

  • Estimated Volume for the Listing Period

  • Wholesalers or options for Direction supply,

  • Brand Support preferences (Listing Fee, Free Stock, Retro Discount, Marketing Budget)

You can also see which other Brands have bid on the tender already, but not any details of their bids. Details of bids are only shared with that particular Venue and not any other Venue or Brand.